Hand - Built Hoses :

As the name indicates, these are hand built hoses. We manufacture Hand Built hoses starting from 3/4″ ID size up to 12″ ID size.

Application ;

Applications requiring custom made hoses can be found in nearly every industry.

Bulk HaulingMaterials and Minerals Processing
Chemical PlantsPaper Mills
Concrete PlantsPower Plants
Dock FacilitesSand and Gravel Plants
Dredge OperationsSweage Treatment Plants
Manufacturing PlantsSteel Mills

Application :

SRIDHAR RUBBER custom made hose products are ideally suited for applications that require special tube and cover compounds, large diameters, and built-in end fittings.

Dilute Acid DischargeOil Suction Discharge
Chemical ProcessingSand Suction
Concrete TransferSlurry Pumping
Hot Tar and AsphaltTanker and Barge Transfer
Material HandlingVapor Recovery
Molten Sulphur TransferWater Suction and Discharge
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